Dan a conocer las principales tendencias tecnológicas para el año 2023

 La falta de profesionales cualificados es el principal reto del sector. | 28/12/2022 13:00
SEIDOR ha dado a conocer las principales tendencias tecnológicas para 2023, con el objetivo de apuntar las características que marcarán la evolución del sector durante este próximo ejercicio.

Según apuntan desde SEIDOR, en 2023, el desarrollo del sector TI se verá condicionado por tres aspectos básicos. En primer lugar, por la necesidad de las organizaciones de acelerar sus procesos de digitalización; en segundo lugar, por la emergencia de un “dinamismo postpandemia”, debido a la necesidad de abordar iniciativas que estuvieron paralizadas en 2020 y 2021; y, finalmente, por una reducción del crecimiento, como consecuencia de la guerra de Ucrania y de las tensiones geopolíticas, junto con el sobreendeudamiento de las economías y el aumento de la inflación.

En este contexto, las organizaciones públicas y privadas solicitarán a las compañías TI que, durante 2023, les sigan acompañando en sus procesos de digitalización, en un ecosistema tecnológico que, según SEIDOR, se distinguirá por las tendencias siguientes:

Foco en la formación TI mediante academias corporativas y alianzas con centros académicos.
En 2023, se prevé que se mantenga el déficit de profesionales cualificados en TI, por lo que las compañías del sector deberán reforzar sus propios canales formativos, ya sea mediante el impulso de academias corporativas o a través de acuerdos y con centros académicos.

Impositivo en el ser humano. Se necesitará una mayor colaboración con las administraciones, el tercer sector y el ámbito educativo para facilitar el acceso universal a la tecnología y eliminar la brecha digital. Observaremos un incremento de políticas y herramientas para garantizar los derechos digitales y la protección de la privacidad de los usuarios. Además, las soluciones tecnológicas comenzarán a incorporar, desde su concepción, una mirada ética, para impactar en positivo en el entorno.

Coexistencia de las tecnologías. El ecosistema TI acelerará su evolución, en ámbitos maduros, como las tecnologías IoT, la movilidad inteligente o la ciberseguridad, junto con la expansión de otras más novedosas, como la Inteligencia Artificial, el blockchain o la computación cuántica.

Crecimiento tecnológico sostenible.
Los movimientos del sector TI se orientarán a contribuir al crecimiento sostenible de las actividades.

Avance hacia la democratización tecnológica. La democratización tecnológica será una de las principales tendencias, mediante el Everything-as-a-Service y el No-code. Ambas tendencias facilitan el acceso a la tecnología y, además, a un menor coste.

Apuesta por modelos laborales híbridos con foco en el teletrabajo. Además, se prevé que en el sector TI continúen ganando protagonismo los beneficios sociales y la flexibilidad. El auténtico reto radicará en impulsar la igualdad y la diversidad, así como el fomento de espacios de trabajo que compatibilicen el desarrollo personal con el profesional.
Consolidación de las redes 5G. Las redes móviles de alta velocidad seguirán asentándose, contribuyendo a los nuevos sistemas de movilidad autónoma, al perfeccionamiento de las infraestructuras y a los servicios apoyados en Internet de las Cosas (IoT), así como a la multiplicación de la disponibilidad de datos, en tiempo real, entre otros avances.

Algoritmos más productivos de la Inteligencia Artificial. Las aplicaciones específicas de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA), con algoritmos cada vez más productivos para responder a los problemas cotidianos, verán aumentar el filtro de la ética ciudadana y la gestión de los riesgos derivados de su uso, en el marco del fomento y regulación de los derechos digitales.

Reajuste de las expectativas sobre el metaverso. Se prevé que estos proyectos se vean obligados a refinar mucho más sus componentes experienciales para tratar de multiplicar, a medio o largo plazo, la posible afluencia de usuarios a su mundo.

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  • 1
    Reynold Dan - 25-08-2024 14:44:04

    The Covid-19 pandemic struck the world and became a disaster for my family as I saw my finances crumbling and my merchandise folded. After the mind boggling choice for loans online and getting rejected for a small business loan by my bank and mortgage provider, I reached out to a friend and explained my frustration then she hinted me about Trust Advance Credit. I contacted them expecting the worst and more rejection as usual but surprisingly I was proved wrong with their exceptional customer service that was beyond professionalism. They omitted my low credit score and not only helped me secure a loan but gave me some incredibly useful tips to help keep my credit file in tip top shape in the future. My loan application was immediately accepted in principle and fully approved within 2 working days and I was able to revive my merchandise that had folded due to the Covid-19 pandemic. I would like to personally thank Kev and Trust Advance Credit for their first class service and much needed help and advice. I would recommend Trust Advance Credit to anyone, you won't be disappointed. Reach out to them via Email or WhatsApp at +15595931640

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    Arlo Jacek - 19-08-2024 13:21:56

    A PROFESSIONAL CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY TEAM — DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY In the Bitcoin investment schemes, scammers frequently pose as experienced "investment managers" to exploit unsuspecting investors. These fraudsters craft elaborate schemes, presenting themselves as seasoned professionals who have made millions through cryptocurrency investments. They entice their victims with promises of substantial returns, urging them to deposit funds into what appears to be legitimate investment accounts.Initially, the schemes might seem convincing as these scammers often demonstrate fabricated success stories and provide false assurances of high returns. Victims are persuaded to make substantial deposits, believing they are making wise investments. However, the deception doesn’t end there. Once the initial deposits are made, the scammers continue to extract more money from their victims under various pretenses, such as additional fees or charges. At this point, victims might face increasing difficulties in accessing their supposed profits or even their initial investments. Communication with the so-called investment managers becomes scarce or entirely non-existent, leaving victims in a state of confusion and frustration.Recovering funds from such scams is notoriously challenging. Once money has been transferred to these fraudulent platforms, tracking and retrieving it becomes an arduous task for law enforcement agencies. These scam operations are often sophisticated, utilizing complex methods to obscure their activities and identities, making traditional recovery methods less effective.This is where specialized crypto recovery services like Digital Hack Recovery play a crucial role. Digital Hack Recovery emerged as a low-profile operation dedicated to combating fraudulent exchange platforms and scams targeting naive investors. Their primary mission is to trace and dismantle these fake investment schemes, helping victims reclaim their lost funds.Digital Hack Recovery initially focused on identifying and targeting fraudulent exchange platforms. They employed advanced techniques to trace the identities of the scammers and the flow of stolen funds. Through their discreet and effective methods, they managed to return deposits to the victims while preserving anonymity to avoid further repercussions for those involved. Their efforts were instrumental in addressing the growing problem of cryptocurrency fraud and providing relief to many who had been deceived.Recently, Digital Hack Recovery has expanded its operations to facilitate easier access for victims seeking assistance. They have established a dedicated channel through which individuals who have encountered fraudulent investment platforms can reach out and present their cases. This new approach aims to streamline the process of reporting scams and seeking recovery, making it more accessible for those affected by cryptocurrency fraud.If you or someone you know has fallen victim to a fraudulent investment platform or crypto scam, contacting Digital Hack Recovery could be a crucial step toward recovering your funds. Their team of experts is equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to handle such cases effectively. They understand the nuances of cryptocurrency fraud and are adept at navigating the complex landscape of digital asset recovery.Digital Hack Recovery’s commitment to fighting cryptocurrency fraud and assisting victims highlights the importance of having reliable and specialized services in place. Their successful track record in recovering lost funds and their ongoing efforts to improve access to their services make them a valuable resource for anyone affected by such schemes.For those who have been deceived by fake investment managers or scam platforms, reaching out to Digital Hack Recovery can provide a pathway to reclaiming lost assets and finding resolution in the aftermath of financial fraud. Their expertise and dedication to combating these scams offer hope and support to victims who might otherwise feel powerless in the face of such sophisticated deceit.if you have encountered fraudulent investment platforms or know of someone who has, do not hesitate to contact Digital Hack Recovery. Their experience and capabilities in recovering funds from these scams can make a significant difference, helping to restore what has been lost and bringing justice to those who have been wronged.Their contact? WhatsApp +19152151930 Website; Email;

  • 3
    Charlote Ward - 25-07-2024 23:01:43

    BEST CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY SERVICES WITH DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY COMPANY Overcoming poor financial choices from my twenties was a daunting task, one that left me drowning in debt and doubting any chance of achieving financial stability. Despite numerous failed attempts, I persisted in my pursuit, eager to turn things around. Then came the allure of an investment opportunity on Instagram, promising impressive returns. Initially skeptical, I was elated to see a 5.2% ROI on my investments. Buoyed by this success, I poured more money into the venture, trusting the promises made.As the two-month mark approached, signaling the payout date, my excitement turned to dread when the Instagram contact vanished, leaving me blocked on all platforms. It was a harsh awakening—I had fallen victim to a scam. Desperate for a solution, I stumbled upon Digital Hack Recovery last November. Skeptical yet hopeful, I reached out to them to inquire about their services.From the outset, Digital Hack Recovery exuded professionalism and reassurance. Their expertise guided me through the recovery process with ease. Within just two days, they accomplished what seemed impossible—they restored the full amount of my investment to my external wallet. The relief and disbelief were overwhelming; I never imagined such swift and successful results. Digital Hack Recovery had delivered where others had failed, turning my despair into relief and gratitude.With the recovered funds, I finally closed the chapter on my financial nightmare,The transformation from being scammed to reclaiming my investments felt surreal. Thanks to the expertise and dedication of Digital Hack Recovery, I had gone from rock bottom to reclaiming control of my financial future.Reflecting on the ordeal, I am grateful for the invaluable lesson learned and the resilience gained. While the scars of past mistakes linger, they serve as a reminder of the importance of due diligence and caution in financial matters. Though the road to financial freedom may be fraught with challenges, I am now equipped with the knowledge and support to navigate it successfully.Digital Hack Recovery not only restored my financial losses but also renewed my faith in the possibility of a brighter future. Their efficiency, and genuine care were instrumental in turning my financial nightmare into a success story. As I embark on this new chapter with renewed hope and determination, I carry with me the invaluable lesson that with the right support and perseverance, anything is possible.For quick assistance contact Digital Hack Recovery via? WhatsApp; +19152151930 Gmail; Website;

  • 4
    JAMES SMITH - 17-07-2024 22:49:42

    All you need is to hire an expert to help you accomplish that. If there’s any need to spy on your partner’s phone. From my experience I lacked evidence to confront my husband on my suspicion on his infidelity, until I came across ETHICALAHCKERS which many commend him of assisting them in their spying mission. So I contacted him and he provided me with access into his phone to view all text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages and even her location. This evidence helped me move him off my life . I recommend you consult ETHICALHACKERS009 @ OR CALL/TEXT ?+1(716) 318-5536 or whatsapp +14106350697 if you need access to your partner’s phone

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    Catelynn Bell - 27-06-2024 10:31:36

    Seduced by the attraction of substantial returns, I invested a significant sum of $75,000 into what seemed like a promising platform. Initially, everything appeared legitimate; I even saw a $10,000 increase in my account balance. However, when it came time to withdraw my funds, I encountered a nightmarish scenario. The platform refused to process my withdrawal requests, despite my fulfilling all their purported requirements and completing assigned tasks. Customer service, which had initially been responsive, suddenly became unreachable and unhelpful. It became increasingly evident that I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam designed to lure investors deeper into financial ruin. Frustration and anxiety consumed me as I grappled with the realization that my hard-earned money was at risk of being lost forever. Desperate for a solution, a colleague at work recommended DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY as a last-ditch effort to reclaim my funds. Skeptical yet hopeful, I reached out to them, detailing the circumstances of my ordeal and the funds I had deposited. From the moment I connected with DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY, I was met with empathy. They understood the urgency of my situation and immediately assigned a dedicated recovery expert to my case. This expert guided me through the entire recovery process, offering clarity on each step and managing my expectations realistically. What impressed me most about DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY was their methodical approach to recovering stolen funds. They utilized advanced techniques to trace the digital footprint left by the fraudulent platform, conducting thorough cyber investigations and leveraging their expertise in online fraud detection. Throughout the process, they maintained open lines of communication, providing regular updates and reassurance during what was undoubtedly a stressful time. After weeks of diligent effort and perseverance on their part, DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY achieved the seemingly impossible—they successfully reversed every dime of the $75,000 I had deposited into the fraudulent platform. The relief and gratitude I felt cannot be overstated. Their commitment to justice and their ability to deliver results where others had failed restored my faith in the possibility of recovering from financial scams. Beyond their technical prowess, DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY exhibited genuine care for my well-being throughout the recovery journey. They didn't just reclaim my money; they provided emotional support and guidance, understanding the toll that financial fraud takes on individuals. with DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY has been nothing short of transformative. They are not just experts in recovering stolen funds; they are champions for justice in the murky world of online scams. If you find yourself ensnared by fraudulent crypto platforms or any form of online financial deception, I wholeheartedly recommend DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY. They are trustworthy, reliable, and dedicated to helping victims reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Thanks to their efforts, I have regained financial stability and regained my confidence in making sound investment decisions. For quick assistance contact DIGITAL HACK RECOVERY on their? WhatsApp +19152151930 Website; Email;

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    Kate J Murchison - 12-03-2024 06:53:22

    HIRE RUSTIK CYBER HACK SERVICE TO TRACE AND RECOVER STOLEN BTC, ETH, USDT Hacking services don't come much more basic than Rustik Cyber Hack Service. They have no intention of causing mayhem or disruption on the internet. No, your bitcoin wallet—or rather, Rustik Cyber Hack Service—is going to save the day. They are experts at fixing cryptocurrency wallet hacks and giving money back to the original owners. With the growing popularity of digital assets such as cryptocurrencies, there is an increasing demand for expert hacking services. Both people and companies are becoming targets of hacking attempts due to the increase in cybercrime and the susceptibility of online wallets. Rustik Cyber Hack Service fills that gap by offering a crucial way to get back stolen money and regain peace of mind. Having your cryptocurrency wallet hacked can have devastating consequences. Not only do you lose your hard-earned funds, but it also shakes your confidence in the security of digital assets. Hacked wallets can result in financial distress and even reputational damage for businesses. It’s crucial to address these breaches promptly to minimize the impact and restore trust in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Restoring hacked wallets is not just about recovering the funds; it’s about reclaiming control. When a wallet is compromised, it leaves individuals and businesses feeling vulnerable and powerless. By restoring hacked wallets, Rustik Cyber Hack Service helps clients regain their financial autonomy and confidence. It's a crucial step towards safeguarding the integrity of the cryptocurrency community as a whole. The first step in the recovery process is conducting a thorough assessment and investigation. Rustik Cyber Hack Service works closely with clients to gather information about the hack, including any available logs or evidence. This initial analysis sets the foundation for the subsequent recovery efforts. After the preliminary analysis is finished, the team uses cutting-edge methods to locate and identify the pilfered money. To follow the hackers' digital trails, this calls for complex blockchain research and cryptocurrency forensics. Rustik Cyber Hack Service seeks to locate the funds by means of a thorough investigation. Do not wait to call Rustik Cyber Hack Service on: Email: ( or contact(at)rustikcyberhackservice. com ) Get more information on their Web site: rustikcyberhackservice. com and easily reach out to them through WhatsApp:+ or Telegram: @ rustikcyberhackservice

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    Victoria Jones - 04-03-2024 07:42:24

    Hello everyone am Victoria Jones, am here to share a great testimony on how Dr Wealth transformed my life financially, i still finds it difficult to believe that i now worth millions of dollars, i have been playing lottery game for so long and i have never win any reasonable amount of money, i was doing some research online about lottery game and i came across a testimony of a woman who won a very huge amount of money on lottery game through the help of Dr Wealth who predicted a winning game for her to play, and surprisingly she won a huge amount of money 19.5million dollars, so i also contacted Dr Wealth and asked him for help he told me what i needed to do which i did and on the second day after he had cast the spell for me he gave me some sure numbers to play so i went to play the numbers so on Tuesday the result came out and i went to check there i got the shock of my life, i saw my names amongst the winners i won an amount i have never dreamed of in my life, my mouth was open and i didn't know what to say that was how my life changed financially i just want the world to know that there is a great spell caster called Dr Wealth if you have been playing lottery game and you have never won i will advise you to contact Dr Wealth for help and i promise you your story will change, you can email him at you can also WhatsApp him on +12184533734

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    Ellie Cox - 25-02-2024 17:37:21

    Best recovery experts for cryptocurrency If you find yourself falling victim to a Crypto fraudulent investment company, contact Wizard Asset Recovery. They are an experienced team of cyber experts who will carefully review the details you provide and analyze the circumstances surrounding the scam. This will enable them to take swift action on your recovery case, providing a positive result in the end, and helping you recover your funds. If you have been scammed by bitcoin, take action immediately. Hire the best funds recovery experts to recover lost funds and get money back from binary options forex scams and investment scams. Wizard Asset Recovery specializes in recovering stolen or lost bitcoin. You can reach them via email at and via WhatsApp at +13157561228.

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    Wen-hui zeng - 28-01-2024 16:50:18

    HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY RECOVER STOLEN CRYPTO FROM SCAMMERS. Imagine discovering one morning that your Bitcoin holdings have disappeared without a trace. For thousands of Exchange X customers, this dread became actual when the platform was breached by a malicious cyberattack. There was panic, yet there was still hope. Now introduce yourself to Rustik Cyber Hack Service, the bitcoin industry's unsung hero. Thanks to their knowledge and perseverance, they were able to locate the elusive offenders and retrieve a sizable amount of the Bitcoin that had been taken. Users of Exchange X celebrated when Rustik's unwavering pursuit of justice resulted in the restitution of their lost investments. Recovering stolen Bitcoin can be like navigating a treacherous maze, especially when dealing with a compromised exchange like Y. The team at Rustik Cyber Hack Service faced numerous challenges, from encrypted trails to evasive hackers, but their exceptional skills prevailed. With their unique combination of technical prowess and tenacity, Rustik managed to trace the stolen Bitcoin to various addresses across the dark web. Through meticulous detective work, they unraveled the complex web of transactions, ultimately leading to the recovery of a substantial amount of cryptocurrency. Exchange Y's users breathed a sigh of relief knowing that not all hope was lost. While it is certainly noble to try to recover stolen Bitcoin, one must always stay within the law. Rustik Cyber Hack Service is aware of how crucial it is to follow the law while getting better. Their strong collaboration with legal experts and adherence to pertinent legislation guarantee that justice is carried out without sacrificing their ethical standards. To combat the rising tide of cybercrime, cooperation between cybersecurity experts, law enforcement agencies, and regulatory bodies is crucial. Rustik Cyber Hack Service actively engages with these entities, sharing their expertise and insights to help apprehend criminals and recover stolen assets more effectively. Collaboration is the key to building a safer and more secure digital landscape. You can call Rustik Cyber Hack Service on: Send a message to both Email: Telegram:

  • 10
    mendy Leo - 21-01-2024 12:36:53

    Am here to testify on the good work of doctor dominion I got sacked from work few months ago and have been unable to get a new job and haven’t been able to get a better shelter for Myself and kids , life has really been difficult because nobody wants to help , on a blessed day I decides to screw pass social media when I heard of a lady testifying of how doctor dominion helped her with so many of her problems, I quickly copied his email address and chatted him up to my greatest surprise he replied immediately and was ready to help me as soon as possible, first I was scared because I taught he was after d little money I had but I was wrong, we talked and he gave me a lottery winning number I did what necessary and am glad to say I gain more than I expected, I won the lottery with the help of doctor dominion because I gave up lottery a lot time he encouraged me and I won, am sharing this testimony with so much joy in my heart, you can also talk to him if you really want to win. Email: website: WhatsApp or call :+12059642462

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