Los estudiantes andaluces se inician en programación computacional

Más de 126.000 alumnos de 587 centros aprenderán este curso diseño de aplicaciones móviles y videojuegos o el uso de robots, entre otros. | 09/01/2023 14:44
Un total de 126.168 alumnos y alumnas se iniciarán este curso en el estudio de diversos lenguajes de programación de distintos niveles a través del Programa STEAM: Pensamiento Computacional aplicado en el aula, puesto en marcha por la Consejería de Desarrollo Educativo y Formación Profesional para fomentar en el alumnado la organización de datos, el reconocimiento, interpretación y desarrollo de algoritmos de forma guiada, para modelizar, automatizar y entender situaciones de la vida cotidiana, además de desarrollar la competencia digital y fomentar vocaciones científico-tecnológicas en el alumnado, especialmente en las niñas.

El programa, con metodología STEAM (Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas), está dirigido a centros de Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato. En su primera edición participan 587 centros docentes andaluces y 8.424 docentes implicados.

El programa se configura en tres niveles de participación: Pensamiento Computacional Desconectado recomendado para alumnos que cursen Educación Infantil y primer ciclo de Primaria; Programación por bloques, diseño de aplicaciones móviles y videojuegos para segundo y tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria, y primer ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Lenguajes de Programación e Inteligencia Artificial aconsejado para segundo ciclo de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. De esta manera, se cubre todo el espectro educativo con actividades en el aula que van desde juegos "desenchufados" sin necesidad de dispositivos, el uso de robots, la programación de aplicaciones para móviles Android mediante bloques sencillos o la introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial mediante el uso de lenguajes de programación usados ampliamente en ámbitos profesionales como es el caso de Python.

La Consejería pone a disposición de los centros educativos participantes dotación específica y de equipamiento tecnológico para el adecuado desarrollo e implementación de este programa. Además, cuentan con Instructores STEAM que llevan a cabo tareas de atención a los centros, principalmente relacionadas con actividades de formación a través de un aula virtual especialmente diseñada para este programa educativo.

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  • 1
    Kingsley Henry - 28-01-2023 02:08:56

    I almost lost my life after falling victim to a scam that went on for weeks, I got contacted by a lady pretending to be a Forex trader account manager, she told me that I’ll make huge profits if I invest on her platform not knowing that I was being targeted, I started making investments through bitcoins until it was time to withdraw and they insisted I had to pay 20% to withdraw my money and it was then I knew I was being swindled. Unfortunately, I had already put $90,000 into this investment scam. While I was wallowing in depression, I came across an article about Mr .JAMEMESMCKAYWIZARD. Whom i contacted that helped me recover my money, I didn’t hesitate to give him the necessary details he took some information from me and to my surprise, all my money was recovered within 48 hours. I’m truly grateful to him and his team for their professionalism in helping me recover my money. If you have lost money to any of these scams, I’ll recommend them to you. Their contact: or what'sapp +1 (507) 414-7049....

  • 2
    Adam Wilson - 22-01-2023 00:56:47

    When you see this review i believe you will also be hapy for me because i was convicted with a crime that i did'nt commit and this was last year, i was working with a company and i was suspected for some fraudulent act but with the help of Premiumhackservices AT gmail DOT com i was found not guilty, they provided evidence i need to be free they worked as private investigator on my case and they were hired by my wife and i thank them a lot doing and this is least way i can show my appeciation for what they have done for me, they also use whatsapp to stay in contact +14106350697, you can also be saved today all you have to do is to take the right step in the right direction.

  • 3
    jason leslie - 18-01-2023 16:01:37

    Hi everyone, it so nice to know that there are still real spell caster out there, just when i thought my chance of wining the lottery is gone then Dr Donald Showed up, i am a 67 years old woman and i spent 15 of my good years playing the lottery hoping i would win, i worked as a nurse but couldn't save enough so i thought lottery wining could be another shortcut to successes, i invested all my time my money and i became broke, at a point i was devastated and almost gave up in life till i met a man called Dr Donald, i met him trough online and i was actually scared cause i have never done a thing like that before, but i decided to give it a try, i did all he asked of me still doubting his capability, after all he gave me a winning numbers to play which i did and to my greatest surprise i won, it was all like a dream to me but was real so i promise to share his good work so others can also reach out to him for help, trust me he is the best i advice you to try him and i promise you won't be disappointed. here is his Email below: Email: Whatsapp: +1(251)397-5966

  • 4
    Asorehackcorp - 18-01-2023 02:23:49

    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our support team as soon as you can via the email address below to get started. Stay Safe !

  • 5
    Sarah Moose - 17-01-2023 11:47:30

    Let me introduce you into a world of free stress where you can get your bad credit score fixed,clear criminal records (database) ,you can also spy on your cheating spouse and so on all you have to do is contact Premiumhackservices AT gmail Dot com and they will solve all your hacking problems leaving you stress free you can also contact them via Whatsapp +14106350697 do not worry you will get the best out of the job you give to them and i am sure you will tell everyone about how good and reliable they are like i am doing now.

  • 6
    Gayle Rollant - 13-01-2023 10:09:42

    I highly recommend the service of Wardrivers cyber to everyone who wishes to recover lost money either bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies from these online scammers, wallet hackers, or if you ever sent bitcoins to the wrong wallet address. I was able to recover my lost bitcoins from online swindlers in less than 24 hours after contacting them. They are the best professional hacker out there and I’m truly thankful for their help in recovering all I lost. If you need their service too, here is their contact information. Wardriverscyberservice@techie. com, and WhatsApp:+16168987285

  • 7
    Pamela Cole - 11-01-2023 07:01:33

    Opportunities are very rare these days because of the high rate of spamming existing on the internet right now but when we find those that are legit we should share their good deeds to prevent people from falling victim of spam. I saw someone who made a review about how she met this FX broker, who provide her with the best trading signals and I took the risk. I started with just $2000 to test the system, they help me trade with my deposit and after 7 working days I made a withdrawal of $20,300. I was so amazed with the profit earned, I told Mr Mark Toray I was gonna refer him and his company to a lot of friends, you can contact him for all FX trading needs via his email or telegram @mark4toray_fx You will be glad you did it.

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