La XXXVI Campaña de Investigación Antártica Española acoge 26 proyectos científicos

Más de 230 personas, entre científicos y científicas y personal técnico y de apoyo logístico, participan en esta campaña, que se está desarrollando en las Bases Antárticas Juan Carlos I y Gabriel de Castilla y también a bordo del Hespérides. | 18/01/2023 14:39

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  • 1
    Winnifred Coleson - 31-03-2023 18:50:49

    I would recommend Wizard James Recovery to anyone that needs this service. I decided to get into crypto investment and I ended up getting my crypto lost to an investor late last year. The guy who was supposed to be managing my account turned out to be a scammer all along. I invested 56,000 USD and at first, my reading and profit margins were looking good. I started getting worried when I couldn’t make withdrawals and realized that I’ve been scammed. I came across some of the testimonials that people said about Wizard James and how helpful he has been in recovering their funds. I immediately contacted him in his mail at and texted him on his phone No: +447418367204 so I can get his assistance. One week into the recovery process the funds were traced and recovered back from the scammer. I can't appreciate him enough for his professionalism.

  • 2
    Recovery Intel - 30-03-2023 12:41:15

    ASOREHACKCORP is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our hacking team as soon as you can via the email address below to schedule a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. Stay Safe !

  • 3
    Daren Pepper - 29-03-2023 12:56:36

    There's this common belief that stolen Bitcoins can not be recovered. It is totally false as I have personally just recovered my stolen bitcoins with the help of Backendrecover at Rescueteam doot C o m

  • 4
    Wanda Sandoval - 27-03-2023 22:33:42

    Going through all the comments, I found some painful, while some were funny. My conclusion is most people can still get scammed just because they can’t read in- between the lines. I’ve been victimized. Now I have a resident hacker who helped me recover my funds and so far, it has been worth it. Hackers easily know a bitcoin scam. You just have to make one your friend if you really want to recover your funds. contact: HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 at G M A I L dot com.

  • 5
    Mikah Wyatt - 27-03-2023 19:07:05

    I was introduced to crypto by one investor I met on Facebook. I liked the program and decided to join the investment platform. At the beginning, I reinvested and made profits which I continued doing until the website disappeared. I could not withdraw any funds before the incident happened but luckily a friend of mine introduced me to He came just in time and assisted me to recover all the money. He did a great job and he was very professional to work with. It's quite unbelievable but it happened. We got our money back through his assistance. Thank you Wizard James for a job well done.

  • 6
    Dung Cuong - 26-03-2023 14:40:25

    Hello, are you having trust issues with your spouse for a work partner and you would want to hack their devices and keep track of their conversation? Look no further because with ( your problem is solved They also offer the following services -increase credit card limit -upgrading school results -recovering of lost emails and email password -Recovery of lost BTC, Wallet and password etc. I assure you they give the best services just trust the process. Contact them (Franciscohack(@) VIBER (+34 632 325 218) Telegram - (@Franciscohacker)

  • 7
    Benjamin Unger - 24-03-2023 20:08:25

    Talk to a crypto currency recovery expert if you need one. Took me a month to find him (BACKENDRECOVER at Rescueteam dot c o m)

  • 8
    JOHN GRAMMER SCOTT - 24-03-2023 11:31:55

    CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY EXPERT / HACK ANGEL Recovering Missing Funds From Online Fraudsters/ Bitcoin Recovery / Bitcoin Mining / Improve Your Credit Score / AUTHORIZATION FOR MOBILE SPY REMOTE CONTROL. Extracting Bad Records from Public and Private Database systems. contact HACK ANGEL via EMAIL: WhatsAP: +1 203 309-3359 Website; https// John Grammer Scott recommended you.

  • 9
    JOHN GRAMMER SCOTT - 24-03-2023 11:31:28

    CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY EXPERT / HACK ANGEL Recovering Missing Funds From Online Fraudsters/ Bitcoin Recovery / Bitcoin Mining / Improve Your Credit Score / AUTHORIZATION FOR MOBILE SPY REMOTE CONTROL. Extracting Bad Records from Public and Private Database systems. contact HACK ANGEL via EMAIL: WhatsAP: +1 203 309-3359 Website; https// John Grammer Scott recommended you.

  • 10
    JOHN GRAMMER SCOTT - 24-03-2023 11:30:56

    CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY EXPERT / HACK ANGEL Recovering Missing Funds From Online Fraudsters/ Bitcoin Recovery / Bitcoin Mining / Improve Your Credit Score / AUTHORIZATION FOR MOBILE SPY REMOTE CONTROL. Extracting Bad Records from Public and Private Database systems. contact HACK ANGEL via EMAIL: WhatsAP: +1 203 309-3359 Website; https// John Grammer Scott recommended you.

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